May 16, 2013

Headache / Sinusitis Treatments buy online

 If you are feeling dull, throbbing pain in the upper face above the eyebrow, and feeling pain when pinching the nose bridge, these are the sign of having uncommon type of headache caused by infected sinuses.

 Nasal Spray fast relief of nasal congestion, swollen nasal membranes and sinus pressure ingredients are recommended to use. Do not use nasal spray for cold. 

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Best High Cholesterol and High Blood pressure supplements and treatments

Take 1 cap Garlic supplements
1 cap barley supplement and
1 bag of barley tea -  everyday after meal... or see inside labels.
(Taking supplements is safe; no evidence of risk)

Garlic.... Garlic as a dietary supplement most often used to treat high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol. According to the available research and the FDA the Garlic is number one supplements in lowering high blood pressure. 
Barley...  can be added to your diet if you are looking to help control your cholesterol levels. The Food and Drug Administration has also recognized the heart-healthy benefit of barley, reducing the risk of heart disease.

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May 15, 2013

Best Hair loss and baldness Supplements, buy online

The causes of hair loss are varies therefore the treatment may vary.

Suggested Treatment:
1 cap Biotin supplement after meal 
Apply Rogaine before bedtime or
 you may apply rosemary oil after shower - for thickening of the specially for women

Note: taking supplements has no evidence of risk

Rogaine is often used and effective stuff to treat from losing or thinning hair.
For men and women that suffers baldness for 1-2 years. "Hair transplant is recommended."
Biotin supplements helps to make your hair healthy and shiny , even helps hair grow faster. Not all of biotin products are backed by scientific evidence but has been promoted in recent years for hair health and growth.


Top Supplements to treat Hormonal Acne buy online

Three supplements to boost your Immune system to prevent Hormonal Acne.

Suggested treatment:
1 capsule Dong quail every morning
1 MSM after meal
1 zinc and green tea .... 

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Top Supplements to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Sleeplessness, Mood swing

Passionflower is number one effective supplement to treat sleep problems (insomnia), gastrointestinal (GI) upset related to anxiety or nervousness, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and relieving symptoms related to narcotic drug withdrawal.

Suggested Treatment:

Take 1 capsule daily after meal 
 Take Vit. C and Vit. B 

Where to buy:


STD's Top Healing Supplement for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is chronic (long-lasting) disease of the immune system. The most common form of psoriasis, causes itchy skin spots, red patches, and thick flaky lesions to form. Treatment is Unknown But study results that supplement can helps to reduce inflammation and build your immune system to fight the disease. These are the supplements you may need to take... 

1 cap oregano oil, 1 omega-3 fish oil, 1 flaxseed oil, 1 cinnamon, and 1 vit. D. Use oregano oil for the outer ichy skin and take once daily or contact ur DR. 

May 14, 2013

STD's TOP 5 supplements to Treat HPV buy online

 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are known to be unknown treatment but there are supplements that we can take to manage for spreading the disease and to prevent cervical cancer, otherwise it may helps to eliminate the disease. Take 1 tablet Dim Plus daily with 1 tab Folic acid and drink green tea regularly to produce more antioxidants in our body to fight the HPV virus. 


These are the supplements to treat Herpes. 
L-Lysine is proven to treat Herpes, take 1 tab once a day or Dr. rx.  and take also Vit. C and Vit B.

also it helps to treat Hormonal imbalance, stress, pregnancy, weak immune system, unhygienic conditions, and unprotected sex can trigger and spread the infection.

Use VAGISIL Kit to know the type of STD's, and helps to screen for vaginal infections. Certain infections will require a doctor's visit and treatment.

STD's : Top Natural Supplements to Treat Chlamydia: Buy Online

These are The top natural supplements to treat chlamydia: Cats Claw, Garlic, Astragalus root, Echinacea and goldenseal combo, Colloidal silver and zinc combo, TurmericVitamin B and 
Vitamin C.  

Best to take daily :  1cap cats claw, 1cap garlic, 1cap zinc, 1cap vit B & vit. C or ask your DR

Use VAGISIL Kit to know the type of STD's, and helps to screen for vaginal infections. Certain infections will require a doctor's visit and treatment.

Women's Health Supplement in Getting Pregnant buy online

These are the Supplements that can boost women's fertility and chances to get pregnant. It is useful to take  daily in order to maintain woman's hormonal balance and fertility.

Vitex is number one recommended supplement and proven to treat infertility of women, combined with Fertili tea - drink it regularly. 

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Use vaginal suppositories if the women feels  uncomfortable. Do not take antibiotic.

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